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eHealth Solutions
It is our mission to transfer latest and emerging scientific knowledge and technology from the West to the developing world.
An established component in optimizing healthcare delivery in hospitals and in clinical practice. Combining online and offline initiatives Into a cohesive strategy is key in  achieving maximum
success in all healthcare delivery channels.

eHealth Solutions
Electronic health (eHealth) solutions are intended to connect and organize various healthcare delivery channels within hospital to address critical health goals of lowering costs and improving efficiencies in order to achieve optimization. The potential for innovation and breakthrough in patient care and safety is greatest when system wide electronic strategies are implemente Some of our topline products are:

Integrated eHealth Strategy
Integrated eHealth strategy leverages the existing healthcare technologies and converge them with the state of the art IT infrastructure and medical information management system  to build synergies and drive transformation from reactive patient care to proactive care.

Health InforNet
The Health Information Networking solution to help hospitals implement strategies to document and access medical records and data for various administrative and scientific as well as research purposes.

Digital resource for tracking and managing patient health from prenatal through adulthood. Central online record keeping resource for physicians and patients.

Digital platform for corporations to help minimize health costs and maximize healthcare delivery to their employee.
eHealth Products & Solutions

Mobile Digital Care
and diagnostics

Electronic Patient

Data Management
(Storage, Mining,

Clinical Information Systems


Decision Support


Service Line
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