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Healthcare Business Services & Solutions
It is our mission to transfer latest and emerging knowledge and technology from
the West to the developing world.
Meridian has a broad range of business services and solution to offer healthcare institutions, agencies and organizations in both private and public sector of the developing countries.

We share best practices and deliver integrated and affordable healthcare business services and solutions to improve healthcare delivery and quality of care within institutions, and general practice in the developing world.  Meridian appreciates that more than scarcity of resources, slow pace of transference of knowledge and best practices from the West to the developing world is the major impediment to progress in modernizing healthcare delivery in the developing world.

Meridian helps the healthcare establishments in the developing world adopt new trends in healthcare service delivery and implement the latest strategies adopted in the West, which have significantly improved the healthcare management and service delivery with increased efficiency.

Meridian’s team of experienced professionals address the challenges faced by hospital administrators and healthcare managers in the developing world and offer integrated solutions to ensure successful outcomes that focus on optimizing the quality of healthcare.
Service Line
Healthcare Business
Products & Solutions

Marketing Services

Diagnostic Imaging Consultation Services

Clinical Research
(Design, Launch, Monitoring)

Training & Continuing Medical Education

Quality Assurance Strategies

Healthcare Awareness Campaigns

Point of Care
Testing Programs

Risk Management & Prevention

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Copyright © 2012 Meridian Pharma & Healthcare. All Rights Reserved. Meridian P&HC products and services are offered in developing markets through a variety of marketing and distribution arrangements including affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures. Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the Meridian P&HC Web Site Rules and Regulations.