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Privacy policy

Meridian Pharma & Healthcare is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information whether you are browsing for information or conducting business with us electronically. This Privacy & Security Statement explains the current practices employed at our web sites and is based upon the internationally accepted principles covering Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documentation, as well as Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy.

  • Meridian Pharma & Healthcare is responsible for the personal information under its control and complies with the principles of PIPEDA to the best of its ability. All Meridian Pharma & Healthcare staff members are responsible for compliance to this policy when handling personal information.
  • Unless it is self-evident the purposes for which personal information is collected, we shall identify at the time the information is collected.
  • Meridian Pharma & Healthcare will only use your personal information for the use identified when it was collected except where required or permitted by law. Your consent will be required before your personal information can be used for any new use or purpose.
  • When you visit our web sites, we will not collect your personal information unless you choose to use and receive online products and services that require it or applying for a career opportunity. We will only collect the information that is absolutely necessary for the identified purpose.
  • Your personal information will only be used for the purpose identified when it was collected and will not be disclosed without your prior consent unless required or permitted by law. The information is only kept as long as necessary to satisfy the purposes for which it was collected. Meridian Pharma & Healthcare will not sell or rent personal information to any organization or person for any reason.
  • Meridian Pharma & Healthcare makes every effort to ensure that your personal information is as accurate, complete and up to date as possible. We provide you with the facility to update your own personal information where possible to ensure this.
  • Meridian Pharma & Healthcare uses organizational processes such as limiting access to your personal information to only those individuals who require access to it to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Meridian Pharma & Healthcare endeavours to make information about our policies and practices readily available in an easy to understand format.
  • In the event that we offer the option of registration and maintaining an account to the visitors of this website for the purpose of doing business with us, you may request access to the personal information that we have concerning you. If you are a registered user with our web sites, you can access your personal information at any time by signing in and selecting the "My Account" link.

Please feel free to write us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement or our adherence to it:

Privacy Officer
Meridian Pharma & Healthcare.
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Copyright © 2012 Meridian Pharma & Healthcare. All Rights Reserved. Meridian P&HC products and services are offered in developing markets through a variety of marketing and distribution arrangements including affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures. Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the Meridian P&HC Web Site Rules and Regulations.