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Hospital Projects &  Services
It is our mission to transfer latest and emerging knowledge and technology from
the West to the developing world.
The developing world is being confronted by health problems that could be easily preventable if the basic infrastructure were improved. The hospitals in the developing world and the doctors are overworked, and on top of it mostly working in ill planned and poorly managed institutions where there is scarcity of resources, equipment is broken and supplies are running out. Not what you wish to see when you walk into a hospital for treatment. But this is exactly what many sick and ailing people in the developing world encounter on a daily basis. No matter how primitive, these hospitals are often their only hope.

The economics of healthcare facilities creates a significant impact on future success and operations of the hospital in the developing world. It is Meridian’s mission to help in developing and delivering most cost efficient strategies and methods of designing new hospital or expanding, adding or renovating existing facilities. Choosing right strategies and solution, and with meticulous planning, we set the direction and road map to maximize opportunities for all stakeholders and optimize quality of healthcare delivery.

To create a sense of ownership in the stakeholders, we also include in our project team, members from the community, physicians, staff, and key opinion leaders.

Service Line
Projects & Products

Design and construction management of new facility, extensions, refurbishment and renovations.

Service expansion
& process improvement.

Integrated Care Strategies

Diagnostic services infrastructure

Risk management and clinical quality assurance

Health & Safety

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Copyright © 2012 Meridian Pharma & Healthcare. All Rights Reserved. Meridian P&HC products and services are offered in developing markets through a variety of marketing and distribution arrangements including affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures. Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the Meridian P&HC Web Site Rules and Regulations.