About Us

Meridian Pharma & Healthcare is a privately owned and operated company. In line with our mission, we focus on providing high quality pharmaceuticals and healthcare services to the developing countries and affordable generic pharmaceutical options to the developed countries through a number of different marketing, distribution and licensing arrangements. 

Meridian has a competitive advantage in the targeted markets due to having strong scientific, commercial and technical capabilities to support affiliates and partners. Performance optimization and efficiency improvement is achieved through rapid transference of knowledge and technology to the affiliates and partners by the team of professionals and subject matter specialists at Meridian. In addition, capitalizing on low cost manufacturing options with highest GMP standards, and supply chain efficiencies, Meridian is able to pass on a significant cost benefit to patients, as well as public and private payers in the targeted markets around the world.

By providing affordable medications manufactured under highest quality standards, along with the transfer of technology in healthcare services to the developing markets, Meridian is playing a significant role in social development of the communities it serves, and influencing change in the available quality of care.

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