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Mission & Vision

Meridian Pharma & Healthcare’s mission is to discover, develop, and deliver affordable, meaningful healthcare services and solutions to the people of the developing world and make them available in an economical and fair manner to make a difference in their lives. It is also Meridian’s mission to transfer latest and emerging scientific knowledge and healthcare technology from the West to empower healthcare providers of the developing world to improve quality of care.

Meridian’s vision is to become a leading organization influencing the change in the quality of healthcare in the developing countries by empowering them to take charge of their healthcare. The vision will be achieved through commitment to our mission of improving healthcare status of the people in the developing world by discovering, developing, and delivering affordable, meaningful healthcare services and solutions that help enrich their lives.

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Copyright © 2012 Meridian Pharma & Healthcare. All Rights Reserved. Meridian P&HC products and services are offered in developing markets through a variety of marketing and distribution arrangements including affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures. Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the Meridian P&HC Web Site Rules and Regulations.