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Personal Care Products

Meridian P&HC markets a diverse line of personal care products in the developing markets. The product line includes shampoo, conditioner, beauty soaps, liquid hand wash, shaving cream, skin cream, makeup cleansing pads and wipes, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, antiseptic hand wash, body wash, toilet paper, wipes, cleansing pads, cotton swabs, facial tissue, lotion, skin cream, cleaning liquid, and medicated toothpaste.

In line with Meridian’s mission, the company invests in community  awareness programs on personal hygiene and preventive health in the rural and communities living in urban slums in the developing markets.

Our mission is to discover, develop, and deliver affordable, meaningful healthcare solutions to the people of the developing world.
Hospital & Surgical Product  Line
the Horizon.
It is our mission to help in improving the quality of life of people in the developing countries.

Product Line
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Copyright © 2012 Meridian Pharma & Healthcare. All Rights Reserved. Meridian P&HC products and services are offered in developing markets through a variety of marketing and distribution arrangements including affiliations, partnerships and joint ventures. Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the Meridian P&HC Web Site Rules and Regulations.